Community Vision held our final 25-year anniversary celebration Thursday, December 6th at the Brava Theater with the exclusive screening of Fixing the Future. The movie features David Brancaccio of public radio’s Marketplace and NOW on PBS, as he visits people and organizations across America that are attempting a revolution: the reinvention of the American economy. The film highlights effective, local practices such as local business alliances, community banking, worker cooperatives, etc. Local co-operative bakery Arizmendi provided a variety of the baked goods they are famously known for in San Francisco.

For many of the 75 guests that attended, this was their first introduction to Community Vision and the work we do. After the film, some of the attendees expressed an interest in investment opportunities as well as our upcoming Young Professionals event in January.

As Community Vision’s celebration of our 25 years of service to Northern California communities comes to an end, we look forward to another 25 years of service. We will continue to reach out to socially responsible community members interested in supporting the work Community Vision does.